Welcome to my website!
I hope you will enjoy the content.

It will be a bit about technology and a bit about other things :)

Big fan of technology, graphics, movies, music, and travel.

Music drives my day, the whole day :). I am listening to music even when I am sleeping. Movies, love them, as they nicely give me ideas for places I would like to visit and makes me emotionally involved. My love for technology in my life appeared in the early days when I was trying to build the dimmer for bulbs and fuses in the whole block of flats went off. Graphics? They are everywhere, and I am trying to use them everywhere :). Below I will try to touch on some of my interests and slowly I will build some articles, but please do not expect this to happen very soon as currently, I am trying to keep myself pretty busy.

  • 1. Technology

    I was always fascinated by technology in many fields. We had this great program on Polish TV in the 70s/80s called Sonda. It was unbelievably interesting as they were talking about many things that are now used for everyday life. It was, in a way, a futuristic program. On top of it, it had great music like Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre, and others. This is how it all started ...

  • 2. Graphics - 2D

    For over 30 years I am working with Adobe Suite. Started with Photoshop version 0.9 :). Over the years I have trained myself in almost all 2D graphical programs, as I was curious about what would work best for certain tasks. I was working for the first 10 years of my career for advertising agencies like Leo Burnett and BBDO, and many projects for other agencies like Y&R, DDB, etc. Over the recent years, I am doing lots of restoration of photos/documents for archives and museums (You can find some examples in the Tab above: Photo Restoration). Always loved that and now I have decided that I am getting back to the “roots” this time to the 3D graphics world with some extras that I will explain in point 3. :).

  • 3. Graphics - 3D + Robots

    During my studies (Robotics & Automation), I wanted to explore how technology can help people to take over some tasks, and as well how it can help people with inclusion and exclusion “issues”. Hmm, you think you are not there? Aging is not an accident but feels like one when at the age of 60 your hand grip it’s reduced by 40% and it’s not getting better in time. This was always the field that I wanted to explore. And I hope I am getting there with technology, that right now is available at the reach of a simple human being, like me, without the need of investing gazillions. I will write some more stories here ... soon.

Movies, Music, and Travel.

When I was a teenager with a friend of mine we were running a movie club that got a few awards for showing movies that were not in the normal distribution, but as well for the large initiative, over the years, of inviting directors, actors, cameramen, basically experts in the movie industry, for meetings with our club members. When there is a movie, there is music too. Bladerunner and music from many other movies are always in my head and that’s a good feeling. I was at some point maybe a bit of rebellion listening to punk, progressive rock, and heavy metal, but my heart is closer to musicians or bands like Pat Metheny, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Camel, Vangelis, Kitaro, the list would be very long :). Maybe one day I will decide to write more about it or even share playlists that I listen to on daily basis, for now, please try to listen to Radio357, SomaFM Groove Salad Classic, or 70s & 80s playlists, Whispering Solo Piano Radio, the list would be long again :). Try to enjoy it and please let me know if this is what you would like me to help you explore. Movies always “invited” me to see new places and meet new people, speaking different languages and I wish I could travel more, not complaining, but I would love to.

Interested :)?

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A small group of people that love to work, sometimes with old photos, listen to music, watch movies, and travel.


Warsaw, Poland